zero | one

i can't remember the last time i met someone who thought something up on their own and acted it out. the creativity level among most of society is so god damned low it's almost sickening. when did it become cool or acceptable or normal to not be creative? why the fuck does it seem okay for schools to stop fanning the flame of children's imagination? throw a footbal, don't write a poem or draw a picture. hell no! be buff, not creative. drink beer, not life. don't get me wrong, i like beer quite a bit. but all the way up from elementary schools to college they ingrain students with the mentality that sports is the way. use your body, not your mind. fuck that. for real. i'd rather see a poetry reading or an art show than a football game or some such shit. sure, maybe it takes skill to get that ball in that basket. but does it take imagination or creativity? nah, not really. theres been millions of people who have thrown the ball the same way. but, how often does a genuinely creative person write the same poem as another genuinely creative person? never. never ever.
